What is a Fire Sprinkler System?
How will I know that my sprinkler system will work?
Can a fire sprinkler go off accidentally?
Won't a smoke or fire detector provide me with enough protection?
What code or standard should be utilised for a sprinkler installation?
Don't fire sprinklers cause extensive water damage?
How often should I get my fire sprinkler system inspected?
Are Fire Sprinkler Systems effective as a form of fire protection?
How long will an installation last?
What are the costs of installing a sprinkler system?
It is also important to note that in most instances, insurance companies will provide a premium discount for a certified sprinkler system.
Why install a Fire Sprinkler System?
Sprinkler systems have proven to be the most effective way to control or extinguish fires, across all building types and occupancy’s and as such have the following benefits:
Life safety:
As a sprinkler system activates in the early stages of fire development, it not only controls, extinguishes or slows the development of the fire, but also limits the generation of smoke and toxic gases, which is the primary cause of fatalities in fires. Sprinkler systems therefore allow your staff and/or clients to safely exit the building.
Protecting assets:
Sprinkler systems form the primary protection for buildings, infrastructure and stock against fire. Each system is designed to cater for the specific building, material and storage type thereby ensuring that the correct amount of water is available to control or extinguish the fire and also limit water damage.